0 - 2
GCM Gold Cup

GCM Third Match

4 - 2
GCM Gold Cup

GCM First Match

4 - 0
GCM Gold Cup

GCM Third Match

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TNSA is registered under the Indian Societies Act XXI, 1860. The Kashag (Cabinet) Office of the Tibetan Government in-Exile has approved its mission and functions, The association has a Governing Body and an Executive Board to manage its affairs

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Tibet Relief Fund works to empower Tibetans to build sustainable communities and better futures through education and innovative practical grassroots initiatives.
The Tibet Fund’s primary mission is to preserve the distinct cultural and national identity of the Tibetan people. Our aim is to promote self-reliance and help sustain the cohesiveness of the exile Tibetan community.
The German Tibet Aid e. V. was founded in 1962 and since then has been taking care of the many thousands of Tibetan refugees who have had to leave their homeland since the Chinese occupation.

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